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type Contract {
attachment: String
attachmentContentType: String
attachmentFilename: String
attachmentId: String
attachmentSize: Int
client: Company
company: Company
companyId: Int
consumedServices: ContractConsumedServices
contacts: [Contact!]
createdAt: ISO8601DateTime!
customMetadata: ContractCollection
daysConnecttivityBlock: Int
description: String
educationId: Int
educationSecret: String
finishedAt: ISO8601Date
finishedContracts: Int
id: ID!
newContractModel: Boolean
noEndDate: Boolean
onPremiseKey: String
openedContracts: Int
professionalService: Int
resourcesCount: Int
scopeId: Int
serviceKind: String
serviceKinds: [ContractService!]
startedAt: ISO8601Date
status: String
totalContracts: Int
trialDays: Int
updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime!


Contract.attachment ● String scalar

Contract.attachmentContentType ● String scalar

Contract.attachmentFilename ● String scalar

Contract.attachmentId ● String scalar

Contract.attachmentSize ● Int scalar

Contract.client ● Company object ● Company object

Contract.companyId ● Int scalar

Contract.consumedServices ● ContractConsumedServices object

Contract.contacts ● [Contact!] list object

Contract.createdAt ● ISO8601DateTime! non-null scalar

Contract.customMetadata ● ContractCollection object

Contract.daysConnecttivityBlock ● Int scalar

Contract.description ● String scalar

Contract.educationId ● Int scalar

Contract.educationSecret ● String scalar

Contract.finishedAt ● ISO8601Date scalar

Contract.finishedContracts ● Int scalar ● ID! non-null scalar

Contract.newContractModel ● Boolean scalar

Contract.noEndDate ● Boolean scalar

Contract.onPremiseKey ● String scalar

Contract.openedContracts ● Int scalar

Contract.professionalService ● Int scalar

Contract.resourcesCount ● Int scalar

Contract.scopeId ● Int scalar

Contract.serviceKind ● String scalar

Contract.serviceKinds ● [ContractService!] list object

Contract.startedAt ● ISO8601Date scalar

Contract.status ● String scalar

Contract.totalContracts ● Int scalar

Contract.trialDays ● Int scalar

Contract.updatedAt ● ISO8601DateTime! non-null scalar

Returned by

contract query

Member of

Contact object ● ContractCollection object ● ContractService object ● CreateContractPayload object