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type PendingDeploy {
company: Company
companyId: Int @deprecated
companyName: String @deprecated
createdAt: ISO8601DateTime!
id: ID
pid: String
project: Project!
projectId: Int! @deprecated
updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime!

Fields ● Company object

PendingDeploy.companyId ● Int deprecated scalar


this field is deprecated and will be removed soon, it's highly recommended to use the field 'company' to get the information that you need

PendingDeploy.companyName ● String deprecated scalar


this field is deprecated and will be removed soon, it's highly recommended to use the field 'company' to get the information that you need

PendingDeploy.createdAt ● ISO8601DateTime! non-null scalar ● ID scalar ● String scalar

PendingDeploy.project ● Project! non-null object

PendingDeploy.projectId ● Int! deprecated non-null scalar


this field is deprecated and will be removed soon, it's highly recommended to use the field 'project' to get the information that you need

PendingDeploy.updatedAt ● ISO8601DateTime! non-null scalar

Member Of

PortalUser object