Through the Business Intelligence integration, it is possible to optimize time by easily issuing customized reports, in addition to allowing data to be extracted and consumed on BI platforms.
To create a connector with the BI tool, you we'll need:
- Conviso Platform GraphQL URL (https://app.convisoappsec.com/graphql);
- Your x-api-key (you can generate your x-api-key by following the instructions here) and;
- The integration script avaliable in this documentation;
- Conviso's GraphQL documentation: https://docs.convisoappsec.com/;
In order to test your GrapQL queries you can use the Conviso's Playgorund avaliable here: https://docs.convisoappsec.com/playground-graphql.html
PowerBI Setup
- Open PowerBI Desktop;
- Click on the Get Data button;
- At the floating window click on Others;
- Choose Consulta Nula.
- Click on Connect;
- At the floating window click on Advanced Editor;
At the floating window, copy and paste the code below:
Source = Web.Contents(
Content=Text.ToBinary("{""query"": ""Your_Query""}")
#"JSON" = Json.Document(Source)
It is necessary to insert your API-KEY into the variable (Your_API_KEY) and configure the query in the Your_Query field.
- You can find a detailed description of all available queries at this link: https://docs.convisoappsec.com/;
- In the image below, we are using a query that obtains the total lines of code for a company with ID 00:
Source = Web.Contents(
Content=Text.ToBinary("{""query"": ""query{ company(id: 00) { estimatedLinesConsumed }}""}")
#"JSON" = Json.Document(Source)
Click on Done;
At the floating window click on Connect;
To access the data retrieved click on List;
- To create indicators based on the query data, go back to the Power BI home screen
- Click on Data;
- To access the data retrieved click on List;
You will see the information as detailed below and from there you are free to configure PowerBI the way you want.
Further details in de original documentation, example: Table.GenerateByPage