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Autogenerated input type of UpdateAsset

input UpdateAssetInput {
assetType: AssetTypeList
assetsTagList: [String!]
audience: AssetAudience
architectureType: AssetArch
criticity: AssetSeverity
companyId: Int!
convisoResponsible: Int
dataClassification: [DataClassification!]
description: String
developmentModel: AssetDevelopmentModel
developmentTeam: AssetDevelopmentTeam
environmentList: [String!]
integrationIds: [String!]
lifeCycle: AssetLifeCycle
name: String!
projectIds: [Int!]
scanType: AssetScan
tecnologyList: [String!]
teamIds: [String!]
url: String
businessImpact: BusinessImpactLevel
exploitability: Exploitability
threat: ThreatLevel
repoUrl: String
clientMutationId: String
id: ID!


UpdateAssetInput.assetType ● AssetTypeList enum

UpdateAssetInput.assetsTagList ● [String!] list scalar

List of tags associated with the asset

UpdateAssetInput.audience ● AssetAudience enum

UpdateAssetInput.architectureType ● AssetArch enum

UpdateAssetInput.criticity ● AssetSeverity enum

UpdateAssetInput.companyId ● Int! non-null scalar

UpdateAssetInput.convisoResponsible ● Int scalar

UpdateAssetInput.dataClassification ● [DataClassification!] list enum

Data classification levels associated with the asset

UpdateAssetInput.description ● String scalar

Detailed description of the asset

UpdateAssetInput.developmentModel ● AssetDevelopmentModel enum

UpdateAssetInput.developmentTeam ● AssetDevelopmentTeam enum

UpdateAssetInput.environmentList ● [String!] list scalar

UpdateAssetInput.integrationIds ● [String!] list scalar

UpdateAssetInput.lifeCycle ● AssetLifeCycle enum ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the asset

UpdateAssetInput.projectIds ● [Int!] list scalar

The projects associated with the asset

UpdateAssetInput.scanType ● AssetScan enum

UpdateAssetInput.tecnologyList ● [String!] list scalar

Technologies used in the asset (e.g., languages, frameworks)

UpdateAssetInput.teamIds ● [String!] list scalar

Teams associated with the asset

UpdateAssetInput.url ● String scalar

URL where the asset is accessible

UpdateAssetInput.businessImpact ● BusinessImpactLevel enum

Business impact level of the asset

UpdateAssetInput.exploitability ● Exploitability enum

Exploitability level of the asset

UpdateAssetInput.threat ● ThreatLevel enum

Threat level associated with the asset

UpdateAssetInput.repoUrl ● String scalar

Repository URL of the asset's source code

UpdateAssetInput.clientMutationId ● String scalar

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. ● ID! non-null scalar

Member Of

updateAsset mutation