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Autogenerated input type of CreateDeploy

input CreateDeployInput {
clientMutationId: String
companyId: Int!
projectId: Int!
previousTag: String
currentTag: String
currentCommit: String!
previousCommit: String!
diffContent: Upload
changedFiles: [String!]
newLines: Int!
removedLines: Int!
changedLines: Int!
languages: [String!]
totalLines: Int!


CreateDeployInput.clientMutationId ● String scalar

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

CreateDeployInput.companyId ● Int! non-null scalar

CreateDeployInput.projectId ● Int! non-null scalar

CreateDeployInput.previousTag ● String scalar

CreateDeployInput.currentTag ● String scalar

CreateDeployInput.currentCommit ● String! non-null scalar

CreateDeployInput.previousCommit ● String! non-null scalar

CreateDeployInput.diffContent ● Upload scalar

CreateDeployInput.changedFiles ● [String!] list scalar

CreateDeployInput.newLines ● Int! non-null scalar

CreateDeployInput.removedLines ● Int! non-null scalar

CreateDeployInput.changedLines ● Int! non-null scalar

CreateDeployInput.languages ● [String!] list scalar

CreateDeployInput.totalLines ● Int! non-null scalar

Member of

createDeploy mutation