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Autogenerated input type of CreateFindingSast

input CreateFindingSastInput {
codeVersion: [String!]
flowDeployId: String
flowProjectId: String!
issues: [IssueTypeSastInput!]!
source: String
clientMutationId: String


CreateFindingSastInput.codeVersion ● [String!] list scalar

CreateFindingSastInput.flowDeployId ● String scalar

CreateFindingSastInput.flowProjectId ● String! non-null scalar

CreateFindingSastInput.issues ● [IssueTypeSastInput!]! non-null input

List of issues

CreateFindingSastInput.source ● String scalar

Required if you have a 3rd party scan engine.

CreateFindingSastInput.clientMutationId ● String scalar

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

Member of

createFindingSast mutation