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First time using ClickUp? Please refer to the following documentation.


Easily integrate ClickUp as an Issue Tracking tool and gain automation as well as productivity for your developer's team!

With this integration you will be able to connect a ClickUp workspace and lists, including the ability to configure custom attribute mapping and achieve a two-way integration with Conviso Platform. This two-way integration feature allows information, for example like status updates to be sent back and forth between ClickUp and Conviso Platform. This enables automation, saving time by reducing manual interaction on your behalf.

With this integration, your developers will gain productivity by getting notified with new ClickUp tasks when vulnerabilities are identified.

Conviso Platform integration with ClickUp​

Log in to the Conviso Platform;

On the main menu to the left, click on Integrations. At the panel to the right, click on the Defect Tracker option, then click on the Integrate button on the ClickUp card:


On the Authorization section, click on the Connect ClickUp button:


A new screen showing all your ClickUp Workspaces will be shown. Select the ClickUp Workspaces you want to integrate to Conviso Platform, then click on the Select Workspace button:


You will be redirected to Conviso Platform, indicating the successful completed connection to ClickUp with a green check next to Connection Completed. Click on the Continue button:


In the Configuration Section, you can test the integration connectivity, by clicking on the Check integration connectivity. A green banner at the bottom of the screen will be shown, if the test succeeds (if not, a red banner will indicate that the connection has failed):


Also, you may want to copy the ClickUp Webhook URL to use it later. Click on the eye icon to exhibit the URL, at the section Webhook Configuration. Use the blue copy icon to the right to copy the ClickUp Webhook URL:


In order to start the ClickUp integration to Conviso Platform, click on the + Add button at the Configuration section:


The New Project Configuration modal will be shown. Select the Project/Asset, the ClickUp Space, the ClickUp Folder and the ClickUp List from their respective drop-down lists:


Once all the required configurations are chosen, the modal will expand to show the Mapping Values Section:


Select all the Conviso Platform and ClickUp Statuses associations you want to create, by selecting them from their respective drop-down lists. If you want to create more than one status association, use the Add new field button at the end of the modal. When done creating the statuses mapping, click on the Save button to store your integration settings:


Your integration will be shown as an entry at the integrations list. Click on the trash icon to remove it, or on the edit (pencil) icon to edit it as you wish:


From now on, all the statuses changes from Conviso Platform will create a corresponding card at the ClickUp list you have configured in this integration.

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