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Jenkins Integration



First time using Jenkins? Please refer to the following documentation.


This integration uses the CLI as a docker image for all the execution and communication with Flow.
By the end of this tutorial you will know how to:

  • Run an SAST scan
  • Run an SCA scan
  • Send diff code to Conviso Platform security code review module.


In order to integrate with Jenkins, your environment should fulfill the followings requirements:

  1. Jenkins version 2.222.3 or higher;
  2. Docker installed;
  3. Jenkins user must have access to the Docker daemon;
  4. External access (can be restricted to specific Conviso addresses);

If you need help about docker installation you can read all the process in the links below:

Install Docker Post-Install Linux Steps


The steps below will show what does your Jenkinsfile should have to perform our actions. These stages also can be inserted inside your current Jenkinsfile.


The following code snippet will trigger a SAST scan and send the results to Flow.

pipeline {

agent {
docker {
image 'convisoappsec/convisocli:latest'
args '-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock'

environment {
FLOW_API_KEY = credentials('FLOW_API_KEY')
FLOW_PROJECT_CODE = "Please, insert your project code here"

stages {
stage('Conviso_SAST') {
steps {
sh 'conviso sast run'


The following code snippet will trigger an SCA scan and send the results to Conviso Platform:

pipeline {

agent {
docker {
image 'convisoappsec/convisocli:latest'
args '-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock'

environment {
FLOW_API_KEY = credentials('FLOW_API_KEY')
FLOW_PROJECT_CODE = "Please, insert your project code here"

stages {
stage('Conviso_SAST') {
steps {
sh 'conviso sca run'

Continuous Code Review

The following code snippet will send diff code to Conviso Platform Security Code Review module, so you can perform a continuous code review assessment. There are three approaches depending on how you work with your project. In a nutshell:

  • Using Tags, ordered by time
  • Using Tags, ordered by versioning style (semantic version)
  • Without using Tags, ordered by Git tree
pipeline {
agent {
docker {
image 'convisoappsec/convisocli:latest'
args '-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock'

environment {
FLOW_API_KEY = credentials('FLOW_API_KEY')
FLOW_PROJECT_CODE = "Please, insert your project code here"

stages {
stage('Conviso_CodeReview') {
steps {
//Please use only one of the following approaches in the same job
//Using Tags, ordered by time
// sh 'conviso deploy create with tag-tracker sort-by time'
//Using Tags, ordered by versioning style (semantic version)
// sh 'conviso deploy create with tag-tracker sort-by versioning-style'
//Without using Tags, ordered by Git tree
sh 'conviso deploy create with values'

Getting Everything Together: Code Review + SAST + SCA Deployment

The SAST analysis can be complementary to the code review carried out by the professional at Conviso, even serving as input for the analyst. The job below will perform the deployment for code review of the code and will use the same diff identifiers to perform the SAST analysis, forming a complete solution in the pipeline. An example of a complete pipeline with both solutions can be seen in the snippet below:

pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('Conviso_CodeReview') {
agent {
docker {
image 'convisoappsec/convisocli:latest'
args '-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock'
environment {
FLOW_PROJECT_CODE = "****************"
steps {
git url: ''
sh '''
conviso deploy create \
-f env_vars with values > deploy_create_output_vars
​ sh '''
. deploy_create_output_vars
conviso sast run \
sh '''
conviso sca run

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