Google Integration
The Google SSO (Single Sign-On) integration aims to increase user security on the platform. With this SSO feature, managers will have full control of who should have access to the Conviso Platform. The impact will be positive for your company's support teams tasks, reducing common “forgot my password” calls by employees, customers and suppliers, allowing the process to flow more quickly.
Authenticate using corporate email;
User control.
Google Web App Setup
In order to configure Google SSO, it is necessary to have Admin privileges on the Google Workspaces.
Log in to your Google Admin Console;
Click on the Apps at the left menu and choose the Web and mobile apps option:
- On the top Web and mobile apps menu bar, click on the Add app and choose the Add custom SAML App option:
- A configuration wizard will start. First, name you application as you wish (we strongly recommend that you use a related label to your new Web Application, like Conviso Platform SSO). If you wish, you can also create a brief description to your Web App and an app icon to better describe your application (optional). As an app icon, you can use this one:
- In the following step, you will review the following configuration data, you will use it later at the Conviso Platform Setup (you can always get back to this configuration section to copy the data). Click on the Continue button to go to the next step;
- At this point you must provide the following URLs:
- At the ACS URL field, paste
- At the Entity ID field, paste
- At the Start URL field, paste
Also, you must check the Signed Response checkbox, before clicking on the Continue button:
- In the next setup section, we will add the necessary attribute mappings. This is important to be able to correct log in to the Conviso Platform. Click on the Add mapping button to start configuring it:
- You must add the following attribute mappings, associating each Google Directory attribute with its corresponding App attribute, as shown below.
Primary email -> email
First Name -> first_name
Last Name -> last_name
When done, click on the Finish button:
- Now, we must enable users to get access to this Web Application. Expand the User Access configuration section, by clicking at the down arrow at its right side, as indicated below:
- On the Service Status option, check ON for everyone and click at the Save button at the end of this form, as shown below:
Google SSO Authentication Setup
- On the left menu at the main Google Admin Console, go to Security, then Authentication and then SSO with SAML Apps. Leave this screen opened;
- Log on to Conviso Platform. Make sure your Company is selected at the upper blue bar, select Integrations on the left menu and then select Authentication on Categories panel:
- At the right panel, find the Google card and click on Configure:
- The following floating screen will open. Copy the matching fields obtained from Google Workspaces to the corresponding fields at this screen. First, the SSO URL. Next, the Entity ID and, then, the Certificate. Finally, fill the Authorized Domains field with all your domain name and aliases, if they exist:
- At last, click Save to store your Google SSO integration configuration.
Verifying Google SSO Integration
To check if everything is correct, you may click Integrations, then Authentication and then Integrations Made:
Select the integration you want to view and click at the icon Edit on the column Actions:
Check if everything is OK. Make changes if needed and click close to leave this screen without saving it or click the button Save to store the modified configuration.
Post-configuration Actions
In order to change the authentication type in Conviso Platform, we must go to the Integrations screen and click on Authentication.
Click the button below the Conviso icon to change the authentication type from SSO (Disabled) to Default Login and Password (Enabled), or vice-versa:
If Disabled, login will be done via SSO. When Enabled, the login and password will be used to access Conviso Platform.
In order to disable the login and password option, we must have an SSO integration already configured.