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type AnalystAllocations {
allocatedHours: Int
createdAt: ISO8601DateTime!
id: ID!
portalUser: PortalUser
updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime!


AnalystAllocations.allocatedHours ● Int scalar

Number of hours allocated to the analyst for the project

AnalystAllocations.createdAt ● ISO8601DateTime! non-null scalar

The date when the allocation was created ● ID! non-null scalar

AnalystAllocations.portalUser ● PortalUser object

The user who is the allocated analyst

AnalystAllocations.updatedAt ● ISO8601DateTime! non-null scalar

The date when the allocation was last updated

Member Of

CreateAllocatedAnalystPayload object ● DeleteAllocatedAnalystPayload object ● Project object