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type WebVulnerability implements BaseFields, BaseFields, IssueInterface, VulnerabilityInterface {
asset: Asset!
author: PortalUser!
category: String
compromisedEnvironment: Boolean!
createdAt: ISO8601DateTime!
description: String!
detail: WebVulnerabilityDetail!
id: ID!
impactDescription: String!
impactLevel: ImpactLevelCategory!
legacyId: ID
patterns: [String!]
permittedStatus: [IssueStatusLabel!]!
probabilityLevel: ProbabilityLevelCategory!
project: Project
reference: String
severity: SeverityCategory!
solution: String!
status: IssueStatusLabel!
statusHistory: [IssueStatusHistory!]!
stepsToReproduce: String!
summary: String!
title: String!
type: Issue!
updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime!


WebVulnerability.asset ● Asset! non-null object

The asset associated with the vulnerability ● PortalUser! non-null object

The author who created the vulnerability

WebVulnerability.category ● String scalar

CWE Categories

WebVulnerability.compromisedEnvironment ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Indicates whether the environment has been compromised due to the vulnerability

WebVulnerability.createdAt ● ISO8601DateTime! non-null scalar

The date when record was created

WebVulnerability.description ● String! non-null scalar

A detailed description of the vulnerability

WebVulnerability.detail ● WebVulnerabilityDetail! non-null object

Detailed information about the Web vulnerability ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier

WebVulnerability.impactDescription ● String! non-null scalar

A detailed description of the impact caused by the vulnerability

WebVulnerability.impactLevel ● ImpactLevelCategory! non-null enum

The impact level of the vulnerability (e.g., low, medium, high)

WebVulnerability.legacyId ● ID scalar

ID associated with the old vulnerability management

WebVulnerability.patterns ● [String!] list scalar

OWASP Patterns

WebVulnerability.permittedStatus ● [IssueStatusLabel!]! non-null enum

List of statuses available for change

WebVulnerability.probabilityLevel ● ProbabilityLevelCategory! non-null enum

The probability level of the vulnerability being exploited

WebVulnerability.project ● Project object

Associated project

WebVulnerability.reference ● String scalar

Links for further information

WebVulnerability.severity ● SeverityCategory! non-null enum

The severity of the vulnerability (e.g., critical, high, medium, low)

WebVulnerability.solution ● String! non-null scalar

The solution or mitigation for the vulnerability

WebVulnerability.status ● IssueStatusLabel! non-null enum

The current status of the vulnerability

WebVulnerability.statusHistory ● [IssueStatusHistory!]! non-null object

List of previous statuses

WebVulnerability.stepsToReproduce ● String! non-null scalar

Steps to reproduce the vulnerability

WebVulnerability.summary ● String! non-null scalar

A brief summary or description of the vulnerability

WebVulnerability.title ● String! non-null scalar

The title of the vulnerability

WebVulnerability.type ● Issue! non-null enum

The type of the vulnerability (e.g., SAST, SCA, Web, Network, etc.)

WebVulnerability.updatedAt ● ISO8601DateTime! non-null scalar

The date when record was updated


BaseFields interface

BaseFields interface

IssueInterface interface

VulnerabilityInterface interface

Member Of

CreateWebVulnerabilityPayload object ● UpdateWebVulnerabilityPayload object