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type Requirement {
check: [Check!]!
checklistType: RequirementType
company: Company
createdAt: ISO8601DateTime
deletedAt: ISO8601DateTime
description: String
global: Boolean!
id: ID!
label: String!
projectType: [ProjectType!]
updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime


Requirement.check ● [Check!]! non-null object

Activities that compose the Requirement

Requirement.checklistType ● RequirementType object

Type of the Activities within the Requirement ● Company object

Company where the Requirement was created

Requirement.createdAt ● ISO8601DateTime scalar

Date when the Requirement was created

Requirement.deletedAt ● ISO8601DateTime scalar

Date when the Requirement was deleted, if applicable

Requirement.description ● String scalar

Description of the Requirement ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Indicates whether the Requirement is global (available across all Companies) ● ID! non-null scalar

Requirement.label ● String! non-null scalar

Title of the Requirement

Requirement.projectType ● [ProjectType!] list object

Project Types where the Requirement is used

Requirement.updatedAt ● ISO8601DateTime scalar

Date when the Requirement was last updated

Member Of

Activity object ● Check object ● Project object ● RequirementCollection object