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type Check {
actionPlan: String
category: String
checkType: RequirementType
checklist: Requirement!
createdAt: ISO8601DateTime
deletedAt: ISO8601DateTime
description: String
id: ID!
item: String
label: String!
notApplicableJustify: String
reference: String
sort: Int
spentTime: Int
updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime
vulnerabilityModel: VulnerabilityTemplate


Check.actionPlan ● String scalar

Describes an action plan for completing the Activity of the Requirement

Check.category ● String scalar

Check.checkType ● RequirementType object

Check.checklist ● Requirement! non-null object

Check.createdAt ● ISO8601DateTime scalar

Date when the Activity was created

Check.deletedAt ● ISO8601DateTime scalar

Date and time when the Activity was deleted, if applicable

Check.description ● String scalar

Description of the Activity related to a Requirement ● ID! non-null scalar

Check.item ● String scalar

Check.label ● String! non-null scalar

Title of the Activity related to a Requirement

Check.notApplicableJustify ● String scalar

Justification for why the Activity related to a Requirement was not applied

Check.reference ● String scalar

Reference links for the Activity related to a Requirement

Check.sort ● Int scalar

Check.spentTime ● Int scalar

Check.updatedAt ● ISO8601DateTime scalar

Date when the Activiti was last updated

Check.vulnerabilityModel ● VulnerabilityTemplate object

Member Of

Activity object ● Requirement object