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type Project {
activities: [Activity!]
allocatedAnalyst: [AnalystAllocations!]
apiCode: String
assets: [Asset!]
attachments: [Attachment!]
comment: String
company: Company!
createdAt: ISO8601DateTime
credentials: [Credential!]
customMetadata: ProjectCollection
customTechnicalReportFields: CustomTechnicalReportFieldsType!
deploySendFrequency: Int
dueDate: ISO8601DateTime
endDate: ISO8601DateTime
environmentInvaded: Boolean
estimatedDays: String
estimatedHours: String
executiveSummary: String
goal: String
hasDeploys: Boolean!
history: [AnalysisHistory!]
id: ID!
integrationDeploy: Boolean
isOpen: Boolean!
isPublic: Boolean
label: String!
mainRecommendations: String
objective: String
pid: String
plannedStartedAt: ISO8601DateTime
playbooks: [Requirement!]
projectScopeUrls: [ProjectScopeUrl!]
projectType: ProjectType!
receiveDeploys: Boolean
requirementsProgress: RequirementsProgressType
resultFiles: [ResultFiles!]
scope: String
startDate: ISO8601DateTime!
status: String
students: Int
subScopeId: Int
tags: [Tag!]
teams: [Team!]
timeline: [ProjectTimelineType!]
totalAnalysisLines: Int
totalChangedLines: Int
totalNewLines: Int
totalRemovedLines: Int
type: String!
updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime
userableId: Int
userableType: String
waiting: Boolean!


Project.activities ● [Activity!] list object

Project.allocatedAnalyst ● [AnalystAllocations!] list object

Project.apiCode ● String scalar

Project.assets ● [Asset!] list object

Project.attachments ● [Attachment!] list object

Project.comment ● String scalar ● Company! non-null object

Project.createdAt ● ISO8601DateTime scalar

Project.credentials ● [Credential!] list object

Project.customMetadata ● ProjectCollection object

Project.customTechnicalReportFields ● CustomTechnicalReportFieldsType! non-null object

Project.deploySendFrequency ● Int scalar

Project.dueDate ● ISO8601DateTime scalar

Project.endDate ● ISO8601DateTime scalar

Project.environmentInvaded ● Boolean scalar

Project.estimatedDays ● String scalar

Project.estimatedHours ● String scalar

Project.executiveSummary ● String scalar

Project.goal ● String scalar

Project.hasDeploys ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Project.history ● [AnalysisHistory!] list object ● ID! non-null scalar

Project.integrationDeploy ● Boolean scalar

Project.isOpen ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Project.isPublic ● Boolean scalar

Project.label ● String! non-null scalar

Project.mainRecommendations ● String scalar

Project.objective ● String scalar ● String scalar

Project.plannedStartedAt ● ISO8601DateTime scalar

Project.playbooks ● [Requirement!] list object

Project.projectScopeUrls ● [ProjectScopeUrl!] list object

Project.projectType ● ProjectType! non-null object

Project.receiveDeploys ● Boolean scalar

Project.requirementsProgress ● RequirementsProgressType object

Project.resultFiles ● [ResultFiles!] list object

Project.scope ● String scalar

Project.startDate ● ISO8601DateTime! non-null scalar

Project.status ● String scalar

Project.students ● Int scalar

Project.subScopeId ● Int scalar

Project.tags ● [Tag!] list object

Project.teams ● [Team!] list object

Project.timeline ● [ProjectTimelineType!] list object

Project.totalAnalysisLines ● Int scalar

Project.totalChangedLines ● Int scalar

Project.totalNewLines ● Int scalar

Project.totalRemovedLines ● Int scalar

Project.type ● String! non-null scalar

Project.updatedAt ● ISO8601DateTime scalar

Project.userableId ● Int scalar

Project.userableType ● String scalar

Project.waiting ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Returned By

project query

Member Of

Activity object ● AnalysisHistory object ● Asset object ● Attachment object ● Chat object ● ContainerFinding object ● CreateEstimatePayload object ● CreateProjectPayload object ● DastFinding object ● Deploy object ● FindingInterface interface ● IacFinding object ● ImportedScan object ● IntegrationExternalProject object ● IssueInterface interface ● NetworkVulnerability object ● Notification object ● PendingDeploy object ● PortalUser object ● ProjectCollection object ● SastFinding object ● ScaFinding object ● SecretFinding object ● SourceCodeVulnerability object ● UpdateProjectPayload object ● UpdateProjectStatusPayload object ● UserAccess object ● Vulnerability object ● VulnerabilityInterface interface ● WebVulnerability object