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type SamlIntegration {
authorizedDomains: [String!]
company: Company
createdAt: ISO8601DateTime!
deletedAt: ISO8601DateTime
errorsMessage: String
id: ID!
integrationType: String
samlIdpCert: String
samlIdpEntityId: String
samlIdpSsoTarget: String
scopeId: Int @deprecated
teamMappings: [TeamMapping!]!
updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime!


SamlIntegration.authorizedDomains ● [String!] list scalar

List of domains authorized for the SAML integration ● Company object

The company associated with this SAML integration

SamlIntegration.createdAt ● ISO8601DateTime! non-null scalar

The date when the SAML integration was created

SamlIntegration.deletedAt ● ISO8601DateTime scalar

The date when the SAML integration was deleted, if applicable

SamlIntegration.errorsMessage ● String scalar

Error messages related to the SAML integration, if any ● ID! non-null scalar

SamlIntegration.integrationType ● String scalar

The type of SAML integration (e.g., identity provider)

SamlIntegration.samlIdpCert ● String scalar

The certificate used by the Identity Provider for SAML communication

SamlIntegration.samlIdpEntityId ● String scalar

The entity ID of the SAML Identity Provider (IdP)

SamlIntegration.samlIdpSsoTarget ● String scalar

The target URL for Single Sign-On (SSO) with the Identity Provider (IdP)

SamlIntegration.scopeId ● Int deprecated scalar


this field is deprecated and will be removed soon, it's highly recommended to use the field 'company' to get the information that you need

SamlIntegration.teamMappings ● [TeamMapping!]! non-null object

List of team mappings for this SAML integration

SamlIntegration.updatedAt ● ISO8601DateTime! non-null scalar

The date when the SAML integration was last updated

Returned By

samlIntegration query

Member Of

CreateOrUpdateSamlIntegrationPayload object ● CreateSamlIntegrationPayload object ● SamlIntegrationCollection object ● UpdateSamlIntegrationPayload object