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type Asset {
lastDays: Int
pagination: BasePaginationInput
): ActiveDeveloperTypeCollection!
architectureType: String
assetType: String
assetsTagList: [String!]
audience: String
businessImpact: BusinessImpactLevel
company: Company!
convisoResponsible: Boolean!
createdAt: ISO8601DateTime!
criticity: String
dataClassification: [DataClassification!]!
description: String
page: Int
perPage: Int
): DeveloperTypeCollection
developmentModel: String
developmentTeam: String
environment: String
exploitability: Exploitability
id: ID!
integrationDetails: IntegrationDetailsCollection
integrations: [String!]
lifeCycle: String
name: String
pendingVulnerabilitiesStats: [IssueSeverityStat!]!
includeAst: Boolean
): [Project!]
repoUrl: String
riskScore: AssetRiskScoreHistories
search: SbomComponentSearchInput
page: Int = 1
limit: Int = 10
): SbomComponentsPaginatedResponse
scanType: [String!]
scannerConfigurations: [ScannerConfigurationInterface!]!
page: Int
perPage: Int
): ScanHistoryCollection!
teams: [Team!]
technologies: [String!]!
threat: ThreatLevel
updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime!
url: String
users: [UserType!]
vulnerabilities: VulnerabilitiesDetail


Asset.activeDevelopers ● ActiveDeveloperTypeCollection! non-null object

List of active developers contributing to the asset

Asset.activeDevelopers.lastDays ● Int scalar
Asset.activeDevelopers.pagination ● BasePaginationInput input

Asset.architectureType ● String scalar

Asset.assetType ● String scalar

Asset.assetsTagList ● [String!] list scalar

List of tags associated with the asset

Asset.audience ● String scalar

Asset.businessImpact ● BusinessImpactLevel enum

Business impact level of the asset ● Company! non-null object

Company associated with the asset

Asset.convisoResponsible ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Asset.createdAt ● ISO8601DateTime! non-null scalar

The date when the asset was created

Asset.criticity ● String scalar

Asset.dataClassification ● [DataClassification!]! non-null enum

Data classification levels associated with the asset

Asset.description ● String scalar

Detailed description of the asset

Asset.developers ● DeveloperTypeCollection object

Developers associated with the asset ● Int scalar

Page number for paginated results

Asset.developers.perPage ● Int scalar

Number of items per page

Asset.developmentModel ● String scalar

Asset.developmentTeam ● String scalar

Asset.environment ● String scalar

Asset.exploitability ● Exploitability enum

Exploitability level of the asset ● ID! non-null scalar

Asset.integrationDetails ● IntegrationDetailsCollection object

Details of integration setups for the asset

Asset.integrations ● [String!] list scalar

List of integrations connected to the asset

Asset.lifeCycle ● String scalar ● String scalar

The name of the asset

Asset.pendingVulnerabilitiesStats ● [IssueSeverityStat!]! non-null object

Statistics of pending vulnerabilities related to the asset

Asset.projects ● [Project!] list object

Projects associated with the asset

Asset.projects.includeAst ● Boolean scalar

Asset.repoUrl ● String scalar

Repository URL of the asset's source code

Asset.riskScore ● AssetRiskScoreHistories object

Risk score history of the asset

Asset.sbomComponents ● SbomComponentsPaginatedResponse object

SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) components of the asset ● SbomComponentSearchInput input

Search filter for SBOM components ● Int scalar

Page number for paginated results

Asset.sbomComponents.limit ● Int scalar

Number of items per page

Asset.scanType ● [String!] list scalar

Types of scans performed on the asset

Asset.scannerConfigurations ● [ScannerConfigurationInterface!]! non-null interface

Asset.scannersExecutionHistories ● ScanHistoryCollection! non-null object

Scan execution history records for the asset ● Int scalar

Page number for paginated results

Asset.scannersExecutionHistories.perPage ● Int scalar

Number of items per page

Asset.teams ● [Team!] list object

Teams associated with the asset

Asset.technologies ● [String!]! non-null scalar

Technologies used in the asset (e.g., languages, frameworks)

Asset.threat ● ThreatLevel enum

Threat level associated with the asset

Asset.updatedAt ● ISO8601DateTime! non-null scalar

Date when the asset was last updated

Asset.url ● String scalar

URL where the asset is accessible

Asset.users ● [UserType!] list object

Users who have access to the asset

Asset.vulnerabilities ● VulnerabilitiesDetail object

Vulnerabilities related to the asset

Returned By

asset query

Member Of

AssetCollection object ● AssociateProjectData object ● Commit object ● Contact object ● ContainerFinding object ● ConvisoDastConfiguration object ● CreateAssetPayload object ● DastFinding object ● DefectTrackerConfiguration object ● FindingInterface interface ● IacFinding object ● ImportedScan object ● Integration object ● IntegrationExternalProject object ● IssueInterface interface ● IssuesAggregation object ● NetworkVulnerability object ● Project object ● RepositoryConfiguration object ● SastFinding object ● ScaFinding object ● ScanHistory object ● ScannerConfigurationInterface interface ● SecretFinding object ● SourceCodeVulnerability object ● UpdateAssetPayload object ● VulnerabilityInterface interface ● WebVulnerability object