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type SbomArtifact {
assetId: ID!
createdAt: ISO8601DateTime!
id: ID!
issuesBySeverity: JSON
license: String
name: String!
packageManager: String
scopeId: ID!
technology: String
updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime!
version: String


SbomArtifact.assetId ● ID! non-null scalar

SbomArtifact.createdAt ● ISO8601DateTime! non-null scalar ● ID! non-null scalar

SbomArtifact.issuesBySeverity ● JSON scalar

Returns a JSON object containing issues grouped by severity.

The structure of the returned JSON is as follows: { "severity": { "count": Integer, # The number of issues with this severity "issue_ids": [Integer], # A list of issue IDs associated with this severity "cve": String # The CVE associated with these issues, if available } }

SbomArtifact.license ● String scalar ● String! non-null scalar

SbomArtifact.packageManager ● String scalar

SbomArtifact.scopeId ● ID! non-null scalar ● String scalar

SbomArtifact.updatedAt ● ISO8601DateTime! non-null scalar

SbomArtifact.version ● String scalar

Member Of

SbomComponentsPaginatedResponse object